Saturday, March 3, 2012

Primal Fear might not have been the worst movie of 1996, but maybe...

Have you ever seen the movie Primal Fear?  Man, that movie sucked.  I mean I'm sure it wasn't so bad when it was released and the acting in it wasn't horrible, but damn was it boring and not at all pleasing to look at.  So we decided that today is shitty movie day and now I'm watching a silent movie.  Actually I'm not even watching it at all, I'm listening to it.  I've been listening to the music to a silent movie while I spent the last 20 minutes trying to figure out what the name of my blog was and where it was online so I could write some bullshit in it.  So anyway... Fuck Primal Fear, like.  I think I put off watching that movie for years just waiting for a time when I felt like watching a good movie.  I planned on just stumbling across it in my Netflix Instant Queue and finally sitting down and being enthralled by it, but that isn't what happened.  Fuck.  And the ending, CHRIST, fuck that movie, seriously.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Dead Space 2 and why I love the Internet

This is an example of how I learn some of the dumb shit that I know.  How I learn things that are interesting to me for some odd reason or another.

Have you played Dead Space?  I played the shit out of Dead Space on my Xbox 360.  I beat the original probably like 10 times.  So I was pretty excited to play Dead Space 2 when it came out last Tuesday.  I try to not read about games I'm excited about before they're released.  I tend to find out information that I'd like to learn more while I'm playing the game.  Any story is gonna be more interesting if you don't know what to expect next.  So I didn't watch videos, read articles, or look at pictures online of any Dead Space 2 stuff.

Well the game came out Tuesday, I got it from Gamefly Wednesday, started it on Friday night, and beat it Sunday morning.  It rocked, great game.  One of the best sequel video games I've played.  Ramped up the action and the presentation.  Kept the atmosphere, scares, and amazing sound design.  So now that I've beaten it and there's nothing left for me to learn I decided to look up Dead Space 2 online.

The first thing I looked up was the video review for Dead Space 2 on  I found this.

Know are you thinking the same thing I was, is that a dude or a chick?  Well that's what I was wondering.  How do you find this kinda thing out.  Obviously that name of the reviewer is Carolyn, but that still leaves questions.  I could Google that name, I'd probably find a facebook page but I wouldn't find out the interesting story I'd want.  I wanted to know Carolyn's story.  Then I scrolled down and looked at the comments on the video review and found a link to this.

There you have it.  20 minutes ago I didn't know Carolyn existed at all, now I know she likes the same game as me, use to be a dude, and is a lot more comfortable with herself then when she was younger.

There you have it, Dead Space 2 fuckin rocked, Internet is fascinating.