Saturday, March 3, 2012

Primal Fear might not have been the worst movie of 1996, but maybe...

Have you ever seen the movie Primal Fear?  Man, that movie sucked.  I mean I'm sure it wasn't so bad when it was released and the acting in it wasn't horrible, but damn was it boring and not at all pleasing to look at.  So we decided that today is shitty movie day and now I'm watching a silent movie.  Actually I'm not even watching it at all, I'm listening to it.  I've been listening to the music to a silent movie while I spent the last 20 minutes trying to figure out what the name of my blog was and where it was online so I could write some bullshit in it.  So anyway... Fuck Primal Fear, like.  I think I put off watching that movie for years just waiting for a time when I felt like watching a good movie.  I planned on just stumbling across it in my Netflix Instant Queue and finally sitting down and being enthralled by it, but that isn't what happened.  Fuck.  And the ending, CHRIST, fuck that movie, seriously.